At The PACT Theatre Co., no child is denied participation in our educational programs based on financial limitations. Financial assistance, through Project imPACT, is available for qualifying students.

To apply, please read the following instructions carefully as assistance awards are made based on these criteria.

Parents or Guardians must submit all information and documentation requested by the deadline listed below. Funds are limited and the completed form must be received no later than the listed date.

Questions? Email us at [email protected]


Applications are due three weeks prior to the start of a class, production, or camp. Applications are reviewed weekly.

(ex. a class starting August 15, forms would be due July 25.)


Applications are sent to the Scholarship Committee after the listed deadline. Financial aid decisions are made according to the following criteria:

  • Financial need, as indicated by family size, income, and/or extenuating circumstances
  • Availability of funds
  • Applicant’s payment history with The PACT Theatre Co.


  • Student must demonstrate consistent attendance.
  • Student must receive positive evaluations from instructor.
  • Recipient must pay tuition balance not covered by financial assistance.

Donate today to help make an imPACT and the arts available to all kids who would like to experience it!

Project imPACT was created to provide merit- and need-based scholarships to provide vital arts education programming for youth who might not otherwise be able to experience it.

Be part of making a difference in the lives of children! Give today, and designate your gift to Project imPACT to help make arts education a reality for a child.

Main Programs:

  • $300 tuition for a one-semester class
  • $500 tuition for Youth Cabaret performance
  • $375 production fee for our MainStage productions

Other programs’ tuition is available upon request.

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