
Finding Nemo KIDS

Directed by Lily Glass
Music Directed by Morgan Patrick Moak
Choreographed by Kendall Lee

Anyone in 1st-6th Grade; Everyone Gets a Part!
Auditions will be held on the first day of rehearsal.

$575 [broken into 5 monthly payments of $115] 
(includes instruction & materials)

Rehearsals will take place from January 22 – May 19
Mondays & Thursdays from 3:45-5:15pm.
(rehearsals will take place on both days. Some days will only require particular cast members. Additional rehearsals may be added)

Show Dates: May 17-19, 2024 (tickets will go on sale in April)

No Audition Needed To Register! Register first and then audition after

We are launching a new section of our academy which features a full-length Broadway Junior production! Each production will be open to those in 1st through 6th Grade! Each cast will meet once per week to rehearse and learn the production as well as participate in educational activities and lessons tied to the show. No auditions are needed!

All of your student’s hard work will culminate with a full production to be presented with costumes & more!

Throughout the semester, students will also take dance, voice, music, and acting classes as part of this program. Parents will receive costume information within the first few weeks of classes and are responsible for their child’s costume. You are welcome to look through our costume room

No Audition Needed To Register! Register first and then audition after!

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