Ticket prices depend on which performance you attend and where you sit. Ticket prices start at $10, plus a service fee. Prices are subject to change. To learn more, visit our box office by clicking here.
Are there service charges when I buy tickets?
Due to the online system we use, there is a service fee attached to the ticket price.
Do I have to purchase a ticket for my child if he/she will sit on my lap?
Children under 2 years old do not need a ticket if they sit in a parent’s lap. If the child needs a seat, a ticket must be purchased.
If I cannot come to the show, can I exchange my tickets or be refunded?
Tickets can be exchanged for a different performance of the same production, by emailing the Box Office at boxoffice@thepactmobilecom or by calling the Box Office at: 251.307.5056.
All tickets are subject to a $4-per-ticket exchange fee. The deadline to exchange a ticket is 24 hours before your performance. Tickets cannot be exchanged after the performance has taken place. All ticket sales are final, and no refunds are offered.
What is theater etiquette?
The theater is not like anywhere else. When the audience laughs at jokes or applauds a great performance, the actors, dancers, and singers hear it and know all their hard work was worth it. Unfortunately, the performers also hear other sounds – talking, ringing cell phones, crying children, and the crinkling of candy wrappers. Did you know the actors can even see the light from your cell phone when you write a text message? It’s true. All those distractions upset the actors’ performance and also disturb other audience members. That’s why we ask that you please follow a few simple ground rules:
Turn off all cell phones and other devices and leave them off throughout the show.
Resist the urge to talk – remember, the actors can hear you.
How should I dress to attend The PACT Theatre Company productions?
Semi-casual or neat casual.
Can I bring my camera?
Pictures & videos are NOT permitted inside the theater or of the performance you are seeing.
Do you have a lost and found?
Yes. Please call the business office at 251.307.5056 and check with the front office to see if anything has been turned in.
If you have any other questions, feel free to call or email us!