We’re raising money to build risers in our theatre so that everyone can have a great seat at all of our shows. This will allow everyone from the front row to the back row to have a clear view of the stage.
Our plans are to start construction on phase one of our theatre remodel which includes building risers and installing theatre seats. Pending funds raised and construction timeline.
By donating at one of our six levels - you will ensure that you get perfect seats at the next show along with special benefits!
To move forward with our renovation plans, we’ve set up this campaign with a goal of $10,000.
With your help, The PACT Theatre Company Foundation can reach this goal and continue the work we’ve set out to do in this campaign.
Please help if you can. Every donation makes a difference.
Theatre Riser Donor Levels
Anything up to $49 Name Recognition
$50-$99 Name Recognition Thank you gift
$100-$249 Benefits above plus: Invite to a reception before an opening performance*
$250-$499 Benefits above plus: Special invitation to a preview performance**