At the time of registration, the first month’s tuition will be charged to the payment method you have provided. At the time of registration, you will be charged tuition for the first month’s class.
Academy tuitions will then be charged on the 1st of each month. The first month’s tuition must be paid through your online account in order to secure your placement in desired classes.
Summer camp tuition is paid in two installments. Installment 1 is a deposit due at the time of registration and installment 2 is the balance due two weeks prior to the start of camp.
Tuition for classes is a semester fee that may be split into monthly installments.
The PACT Theatre Co. does not discount classes based on partial months, holidays, or students’ individual absences.
You may choose to pay the tuition in full. Please email [email protected] if you wish to pay for the semester in full. State your indication in your email and please provide your name and contact information.
A $15 late fee will be added to all semester tuition installment payments not paid by the 1st of each month. If payment is not paid by the 1st of the month, that class/company/show/camp spot may be revoked.
Tuition is posted by the 25th day of the prior month and a general email reminder is sent to all students/parents as a reminder that tuition has been posted and is soon to be charged.
Tuition is not prorated for absences, holidays, or partial months. It is session/semester/year-long tuition.
Accounts that are not reconciled by the last day of the month will result in the student(s) being dropped from our rolls. Students with reconciled accounts will have an opportunity to re-enroll in classes; however, the desire to do so does not guarantee that the same class/schedule will be available. A re-enrollment fee of $25.00 will apply.
Accounts that become more than 30 days overdue will be considered grounds for collections action.
All accounts must have a credit card on file.
Declined credit card charges or bank drafts will be charged a $25.00 fee. Bank account and credit card information shall be current and active.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, cash, and check payments. There is a 4% convenience fee for all online payments.
As a convenience, a credit card is required for registration.
Please note there is a $25 fee for any returned checks.
We hate to see you go but realize that life happens. As a courtesy, we require students/parents/guardians to submit a withdrawal form must be by the 15th of the month prior to dropping the class. Your withdrawal is not considered complete until you have received confirmation via email. The withdrawal form can be received at the front desk or by emailing [email protected].
PLEASE NOTE: You will be responsible for the next month’s tuition payment if your form is received after the 15th of the month prior to your withdrawal.
(for example, a form submitted on September 12th = no further tuition is due in October. A form submitted on September 17th = October tuition will be due in full).
Other miscellaneous charges will occur on the given fee schedule for the semester (notice of any performance fees will be communicated to students/parents well in advance).
If it becomes necessary for you to drop a class or add a class, these changes must be made by contacting the PACT office.
To add a class, you will enroll in the class through your online portal
You will receive confirmation of your change once it has been received and your account has been updated. Do not consider requested changes effective until confirmation by email has been received.
Please note that verbally dropping or adding a class or discussing this change with instructors does not make the change official. You must submit your request to the registrar’s office.