The PACT is committed to the safety and wellbeing of our students and teachers and we will be implementing the following policies and procedures for our 2020-2021 Season. These procedures may continue to evolve throughout the semester and we will update families if changes occur.

The following policies and procedures are required for attendance beginning June 15, 2020, until further notice

We each have a responsibility to follow good health guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Everyone entering this building must adhere to these guidelines to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Jacob Rowe, Executive/Artistic Director



COVID-19 has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. It is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. While rules, guidance, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does exist. The PACT Theatre Company, despite its reasonable efforts to follow applicable guidelines, cannot completely mitigate the transfer of communicable diseases like COVID-19. Attending a performance at The PACT Theatre Company includes possible exposure to COVID-19, and any resulting illness or injury from it.

By attending a performance, each guest assumes the risk of personal injury, medical treatment, illness, and/or death that may result. Furthermore, everyone who attends a performance releases and waives PACT Theatre, the City of Mobile, and our venues, and all officers, directors, agents, employees, and representatives of these institutions from any and all liability, causes of action, claims, damages, or other costs arising out of any exposure to or illness or injury from a communicable disease, including COVID-19, which may result from having attended a performance.


  • Masks (covering nose and mouth) are required at all shows and must be worn throughout the performance as well as when entering and leaving the theater. Please bring your own face covering.
  • Seating will comply with social distancing guidelines.
  • Please maintain at least a six-foot distance during the performance and while entering and exiting the theater.
  • Do not crowd restrooms. Practice social distancing throughout the theater. Hand-washing stations are available in all restrooms. Wash hands at least 20 seconds before leaving the restroom.
  • Automatic hand sanitizers are available at entrances, exits, and at various other points in the theater.
  • Programs will be digital. A QR code will be available to scan to receive your program.
  • Tickets will be scanned for contactless entry and seating.
  • The theater will be sanitized according to CDC guidelines between performances including seating areas and frequently touched surfaces.



  • No signs or symptoms of illness in the past 14 days
  • No close or sustained contact with anyone who is sick within 14 days
  • Temperature check and symptom check before entering the studio each day; if any symptoms are present, the individual must return home and contact a physician
  • If an individual has had COVID-19, they need a clearance note from the doctor to return
  • If a student or their immediate family member or person living in their household tests positive for COVID-19, all students, and faculty exposed to that person will be asked to self-quarantine for 10 days.
  • Students, faculty, and staff should only be at the studios if feeling completely well with no symptoms of illness
  • Students who fail to comply with the safety protocols or who engage in conduct that threatens the health or safety of others will be asked to leave the program


  • If your child or any of your family members show symptoms of any illness, notify the office and keep your dancer at home.
  • Please arrive on time for drop-off and pick-up for a smooth transition between classes & rehearsals
  • Parents and visitors will be allowed in the lobby or office by appointment only
  • Remind your student of his/her responsibilities listed below every day


  • Observe social distancing guidelines of at least 6ft from others at all times
  • Sanitize hands upon entering the building, before and after each class, and as needed
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth at all times
  • Appropriately cover coughs and sneezes
  • Arrive already dressed in proper attire, please see the welcome email for guidelines
  • If changing into dance shoes, street shoes should be removed in the green room and placed in your assigned cubby.
  • Dance shoes should only be worn inside the dance studio
  • Bring your own full water bottle labeled with your name
  • Bring a personal hand sanitizer in your class or rehearsal bag (we have personal hand sanitizer for sale in the office)
  • Do not share water bottles, clothing, cosmetics, equipment, or electronic devices


  • Lobby and office are closed to parents and visitors except by appointment
  • Restrooms will be cleaned and disinfected throughout the day
  • Equipment and high-touch surfaces will be sanitized before and after each class, and common areas will be cleaned and disinfected throughout the day
  • By the City of Mobile ordinance, masks are mandatory while inside the building. The use of masks is heavily encouraged during class when social distancing can not be maintained. We have face shields for purchase, which make performing and learning easier.


  • Student wait at the door until admitted by staff conducting entry procedures
  • Observe 6ft distance when waiting outside
  • Parents remain in your vehicle
  • Before entering the lobby, dancers will be screened:
    • Temperature check using a no-touch forehead thermometer
    • Review of any symptoms that could be attributed to COVID-19
      • Has the student been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?
      • Is the student experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?
      • Has the student had a fever in the last 48 hours?
    • Anyone with a temperature above 100.4 or experiencing any symptoms will not be permitted on-premises
    • Use hand sanitizer upon entering the building

Before class/camp:

  • Report to the designated green room area
  • Maintain 6ft distance from others
  • Remove outer street clothes and shoes
  • Put on shoes for class (athletic or dance shoes)
  • Outside items remain in this area
  • Wear a mask or receive your face shield from the staff at this time
  • Wait in the designated lobby area until instructed by the teacher to enter the studio

After class/camp:

  • Remember to allow proper distancing when exiting the studio - one at a time
  • Use hand sanitizer when exiting the studio
  • Report to the designated lobby area
  • Put on street shoes and collect belongings
  • Exit the building as quickly as possible
  • If a student has rehearsal immediately following, remain in designated green room area until rehearsal and maintain 6ft distance from others

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