A Year at The PACT

The PACT Academy offers specialized technique training for students who wish to expand their knowledge, skills, and elevate their performance. Classes are offered in voice/music, acting, dance, and (soon) technical theater. Private lessons and audition coaching appointments are also available. Students do not need to register for a show to take technique classes.

Fall Semester – Mid-August through the beginning of December.

Winter/Spring Semester – week after Martin Luther King Day through the beginning of May.

When Do I Register?
Register July/August for Fall.
Register in November for Winter/Spring.

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Academy Tuition & Fees

Registration Fee

$25 per child for the year, one-time fee per year

June 2020-May 2021

Monthly Class Fees per Child for One Hour Classes

$50 per class per month

After 2 classes ($100) each additional class is $30

Monthly Class Fees per Child for Young Actor’s Studio

$80 per month (includes show shirt & materials)

Tuition is due on the 5th of each month. All payments received after the 5th of each month will carry a $15 late fee. All returned checks will be charged a $30 insufficient funds fee.

Dropping a Class or Withdrawing from the Academy

To drop out of a class or withdraw from the term at any time, a withdrawal form must be submitted by the 25th of the month prior to dropping the class - any forms received later will require a $25 per class dropped fee. These forms can be submitted in the front office or you may email Academy Director, Kendall Lee at [email protected] to get a digital copy!

Private Lessons

Contact us about private lessson rates.

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Coming Soon

The PACT Theatre Co needs the continued support of our community and patrons more than ever, as the effects of the current crisis continue to expand. All donations are tax-deductible.Donate Now on Paypal