The PACT Academy offers specialized technique training for students who wish to expand their knowledge, skills, and elevate their performance. Classes are offered in voice/music, acting, dance, and (soon) technical theater. Private lessons and audition coaching appointments are also available. Students do not need to register for a show to take technique classes.
Fall Semester – Mid-August through the beginning of December.
Winter/Spring Semester – week after Martin Luther King Day through the beginning of May.
When Do I Register?
Register July/August for Fall.
Register in November for Winter/Spring.
$25 per child for the year, one-time fee per year
June 2020-May 2021
$50 per class per month
After 2 classes ($100) each additional class is $30
$80 per month (includes show shirt & materials)
Tuition is due on the 5th of each month. All payments received after the 5th of each month will carry a $15 late fee. All returned checks will be charged a $30 insufficient funds fee.
To drop out of a class or withdraw from the term at any time, a withdrawal form must be submitted by the 25th of the month prior to dropping the class - any forms received later will require a $25 per class dropped fee. These forms can be submitted in the front office or you may email Academy Director, Kendall Lee at [email protected] to get a digital copy!
Contact us about private lessson rates.