Summer Camps at The PACT!

Our camps are a great way to get introduced to Musical Theatre and The PACT Theatre Co!

Summer Camp 2021

The PACT’s summer program is a high-energy camp that allows campers in Pre-K through 12th Grade to experience musical theatre in exciting and innovative ways.

Our musical theatre performance camps take The PACT Show experience and condense it into one or two action-packed weeks. Monday through Friday, campers meet at The PACT studio from 8am-3pm (session 1 is 8am-12pm), where they audition, receive a role, and rehearse the show. Those shows are performed on the last Friday of camp!

Our innovative workshops allow campers to experiment and build within their craft. These camps meet in the afternoon from 4pm-7pm (or 6pm) and are lead by our professionally trained staff!

There is something for everyone in The PACT’s summer program!

Scroll all the way to the bottom to register and to see our new procedures and activities!

Musical Theatre Performance Camps

Our Musical Theatre Performance Camps take The PACT Show experience and condense it into one or two action-packed weeks. Monday through Friday, campers meet at The PACT studio, where they audition, receive a role, and rehearse the show. Those shows are performed on the last Friday of camp!

Disney’s The Lion King KIDS (SOLD OUT)
Ages 3-8
June 1 - 4 | Four Day Camp! | 8am-12pm

Disney’s Frozen KIDS (SOLD OUT)
Kindergarten-8th Grade
June 7 - 11 | One Week Camp | 8am-3pm

Disney’s Winnie The Pooh KIDS
Kindergarten-8th Grade
June 14 - 18 | One Week Camp |8am-3pm

Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr (LIMITED SPOTS REMAIN)
2nd-12th Grades
July 5 - 16 | Two Week Camp | 8am-3pm

Disney’s High School Musical 2 Jr (LIMITED SPOTS REMAIN)
2nd-12th Grades
July 19 - 30 | Two Week Camp | 8am-3pm

Innovative Workshops

Behind The Scenes! w/ The PACT Staff
Rising 6th-12th Grade
June 7 - 11 | One Week Camp | 4pm-6pm

Learn all about makeup design, costume design & construction, prop building, set design, and what it takes to put on a show! In this camp, campers will learn the in’s and out’s of special effects, lighting, costume & makeup design, stage design, and much more!

Musical Theatre Dance Lab w/ The PACT’s Artistic Director Jacob Rowe
Rising 6th-12th Grade
July 12-16 | One Week Camp | 4pm-7pm

In this camp, campers will learn and improve their technique through workshops and dance numbers as well as learn how to create their own musical theatre dance number by learning how to choreograph! The finale of this camp is a presentation on the last day of camp!

Building Rep & Audition Prep! w/ The PACT Staff
Rising 6th-12th Grade
July 19-23 | One Week Camp | 4pm-7pm

The PACT’s new workshop provides a rigorous and fun training experience that is designed to give those who want to grow their performance skills a vehicle to do so! In this camp, we will learn how to prepare and succeed in the audition room! Students will walk away with audition songs for each show coming next season! The finale of this camp is a concert on the last day of camp!

Tuition & Fee’s


A $25 yearly registration fee is due at the time of registration. This fee lasts June 2021-May 2022!

Camp Tuition: Differs for each camp (see above). Tuition can be paid on DanceStudio-Pro (our online system), check/cash (by mail or dropping off at the office), or stopping by and paying at the office by card. A non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration. The remaining tuition is due two weeks prior to the start of camp.

We want every child to be able to participate, please do not hesitate to ask for financial assistance if needed! Email [email protected] for info.

All camps have a non-refundable $75 deposit due at registration. The remaining tuition is due two weeks prior to the start of camp.

If you have any questions, email us at [email protected] or call us at 251.307.5056.

Summer Camp Procedures & Guidelines:


The PACT is committed to the safety and wellbeing of our students and teachers and we will be implementing the following policies and procedures for our 2020 summer camps. These procedures may continue to evolve throughout the summer and we will update families if changes occur.

Wellness Policy

We will be conducting a pre-screening health questionnaire for campers and PACT staff seven days prior to camp to identify any health risk factors or potential exposure to COVID 19. If a child or staff member is exhibiting symptoms including fever, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, vomiting, or dry cough, we request they stay home and do not attend camp. If a student is exhibiting symptoms during camp, parents will be notified and the student must be picked up within one hour. They will need a doctor’s note to be re-admitted to camp. If a student or staff member has tested positive or has been exposed to COVID 19, they will not be able to attend camp.

Drop Off and Pick up Procedures

We have modified our drop-off and pickup procedures to limit contact. For both arrival and departure from camp, we will assign separate areas for small groups of campers to be dropped off and picked up. Parents and/or others dropping off and picking up should remain in their car.

PACT staff will be outside to meet your children and escort them into the building.

Our PACT staff will be wearing facial coverings during drop off and pick up and we request that parents and guardians do so as well.

Drop-off is between 7:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m.

Flexible pick-up times, 3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (any pickup after 3:30pm pm will require an additional fee)

Student Belongings

Students will be assigned their own square for the entire cubby and will keep their belongings in their cubby. Throughout camp, we will take precautions not to share materials.

Hygiene Procedures

Students will be asked to thoroughly wash, rinse, and dry their hands or use hand sanitizer upon arrival at camp, before and after lunch, and before they leave for the day. PACT Staff will follow the same protocol. We will have hand washing signs in all of our bathrooms reminding students of proper handwashing techniques.

Cleaning Procedures

We are committed to executing cleaning and disinfection practices that are consistent with CDC guidelines. Before camp, a professional company will be cleaning and disinfecting floors and surfaces. Bathrooms, tables, doorknobs, switches, and other high-touch surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected by PACT staff twice daily. We use bleach, isopropyl alcohol, and soluguard disinfectant products. Cleaning products will be kept stored away during the camp day.

Mask/Facial Covering Policy

All campers and staff must comply with state guidelines, at this time (March 2021) all campers and staff will receive a face shield to wear during the duration of camp! Face masks will also be worn when face shields can not be worn. Campers & parents entering the facility must comply with our policy at the time.

Social Distancing/Groups

As stated in the AL Department of Health Guidelines for summer camps, social distancing in summer programs and child care may look different than the common practice of maintaining six feet of distance between individuals. We will be following the AL Department of Health

Guidelines by implementing the following practices:

-Campers will travel throughout the camp day in small groups with the same supervising

teacher and counselor, whenever possible.

-We will utilize our outdoor areas, covered walkways, canopies, and a park across the street behind our building, for as many activities as possible.

-Students will use their beach towels (brought from home) to create comfortable, hygienic personal space.

Meal Information

Students will bring their own lunch each day, including utensils, napkins, and non-carbonated drinks. Campers should bring a disposable or refillable water bottle to camp every day, marked with their name. Campers, teachers, and counselors will eat outside every day, using their beach towels to create comfortable, hygienic personal space. The Friday picnic will be a separate packaged meal for each camper.

Questions or concerns regarding this policy should be directed to Marley Hall, Summer Camp Asst. Director at [email protected] or 251-307-5056.

Day Camp Activities & more!

Our summer camps are full of fun, education, and more!

The PACT’s Performance Camp is a high-energy camp that takes the PACT Show experience and condenses it into an action-packed session. Campers meet at The PACT Studio, where they audition, receive a role, rehearse the show, create props and so much more. The grand finale of our camp week is a full-scale musical performance!

Our activities will include
Stage Craft Projects (making props, costume pieces, etc)
Arts & Crafts
Rehearse a full musical
Tye-Dye Shirts
Outside activities
Acting, Music and Dance Games & Class

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